Brexa - Breast cancer screening 3.1.1
Want to know the symptoms of breast cancer ? Want to do abreastcancer check, mammogram or schedule a breast cancerscreeningonline? Use the BREXA BREAST CANCER SCREEN app. It is acompleteapp for raising breast cancer awareness and offeringgreatsolutions for preventing breast cancer. Thus at its core BREXAis abreast cancer screening tool created and supported by doctorswhoare experts in breast cancer and its prevention. It containsaninteractive smart assistant called Vesna. Vesna guides the userbyvoice and text and makes the app intuitive and easy to use.•PERFORM SELF EXAMINATION, MAMMOGRAM & DIAGNOSIS VESNA helpsinearly detection of breast cancer by helping in regular breastselfexamination and mammogram. In those who identify a problem,VESNAhelps in guiding the user to the right specialist to avoiddelay indiagnosis. It can be the perfect help for breast cancerdiagnosis.• GET REMINDERS AND VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS Women can dobreastself-examination with the help of VESNA. The app reminds userofmonthly breast self-examination. Using voice instructionsandanimated video, VESNA helps you do breast self- examinationathome. BREXA BREAST CANCER SCREEN FEATURES: • BREXA reminds todomammograms every year after the age of 40. • It givesaccurateinformation about mammograms and other advanced breasttests. •BREXA helps you find the nearest mammography center andqualifiedbreast specialist doctor. • The App helps you in gettingexpertsecond opinion about your radiology images and biopsiesfromverified highly qualified doctors. • This free app empowerswomenby providing all the tools they need to be aware of breastcancerand effectively prevent it. • BREXA gives you authentic infoonbreast cancer treatment and diagnosis. • It is aimed atcreatingand continuing breast cancer awareness throughout life. •This apphelps in early detection of breast cancer even when thereare nobreast cancer signs or symptoms. • It also gives the useraccuratefacts about breast cancer and details about various aboutbreastcancer tests, their uses and expectedoutcomes.------------------------------------------------------------Don’tever ask how to check for breast cancer. Use BREXA andyou’llalways have relevant information! Download it for free!